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As far as in a sentence

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Sentence count:188+9Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in so far asharassmentas foras fromas followscrashtrashphrase
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121, So far as I know/As far as I can see, that is highly unlikely.
122, One end of the road butted out as far as the lake.
123, It's a good plan as far as it goes, but there are a lot of things they haven't thought of.
124, The teacher should encourage the child to proceed as far as he can, and when he is stuck, ask for help.
125, He's still a novice as far as film acting is concerned.
126, Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.
127, Have you met my brother? Not as far as I remember.
128, No one got drunk as far as I can remember .
129, Thick forest stretched as far as the eye could see.
130, The original features of the house have been preserved as far as possible .
131, They managed to get as far as the Spanish border.
132, She lived in Chicago, as far as I can remember.
133, As far as I'm concerned, she's copped out and joined the rat race.
134, As far as money's concerned, there shouldn't be a problem.
135, As far as I'm concerned, if it's my desk she wants,(sentence dictionary) she's welcome to it!
136, As far as I can see, there's nothing else to discuss.
137, They departed Texas on a three-year odyssey that took them as far as Japan.
138, Ruth walked with her as far as the corner of the road.
139, As far as the hard disk is concerned, the bigger the better.
140, The refugee camps stretch as far as the eye can see.
141, If pollution controls are enforced here, the factories will move to where they're allowed to pollute, so it'll be a wash as far as clear air goes.
142, He likes getting big presents - the bigger the better as far as he's concerned.
143, School finishes at the end of the week, and the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.
144, As far as I can tell, she's enjoying the course.
145, As chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible.
146, As far as I'm concerned Terry is still a friend, end of story.
147, The road stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see.
148, We hadn't even got as far as London when the car broke down.
149, As far as traffic is concerned there are no delays at the moment.
150, As far as starting a family is concerned, the trend is for women having their children later in life.
More similar words: in so far asharassmentas foras fromas followscrashtrashphrasecamerasArabcontrastparadegaragecontrast toby contrastfar and awayembarrassedfar and nearbearableclear awayparalysiscomparableseparationreparationinfrastructurecharacterizecharacteristicyear after year
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